New version QSystem 21.1 is available!


Функциональность QSystem

 Pre-registration via Internet

Demo button for pre-registration. Click and register for service:

Or simply use a one-page mode of pre-registration:

This mode was Integrated as an iframe:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="670" height="400"></iframe> 

You need an application server. Nice if it will be Glassfish4.1. Database for pre-reg application not required. Just connection to the QMS QSystem server. Pre-reg application can send mail for information about reg data. For that you have to use SMTP or other mail server.

Common logic: there is QMS QSystem in some wait hall - server with Glassfish and pre-reg app in Internet - button or banner on your web site. User is clicking the button/banner/link and seeing the app form for registration(from Glassfish). App under Glassfish have access to server QMS QSystem for exchanging of data for pre-registration.

Steps for install:

  1. Setting Up Your Computer with Internet access and static IP address.
  2. Set up a local network in such a way to permit your computer connect by TCP to server of QMS QSystem.
  3. Do not forget about security. Use NAT tables.
  4. Install on a computer  Java and application server Glassfish 4.1 or later.
  5. Download web app from Google Disk. (war)
  6. Deploy  the web app into Glassfish.
  7. Configuring as on picture below.
  8. On a company web site put a button/banner/link for our web app into Glassfish.
  9. Start QMS QSystem servet and test pre-registration.. 


For using utf8: server-config > JVM Settings > JVM Options add -Dfile.encoding=UTF8. And for default-config > JVM Settings > JVM Options too.

Some example for e-mail sending:


You must have system properties:

  • ххх_QSYSPREREG_CAPTION - заглавный текст на странице регистрации
  • ххх_QSYSPREREG_TITLE - the title of window
  • ххх_QSYSTEM_SERVER_ADDR - address of QMS QSystem
  • ххх_QSYSTEM_SERVER_PORT  - port of QMS QSystem
  • ххх_QSYSPREREG_LOGO - URL for logo image
  • xxx_QSYSPREREG_MAIL_CONTENT - full path to file with content for mail confirmation

ххх - this is value of parameter com from URL, unique for each branch



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