History of versions
v 23.1 DB 7 from 15.01.2023
- Calling by different language voice. Depends of selected language on welcome point.
- Micrometer for prometheus. Получать метрики: http://localhost:8081/qsystem/prometheus.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes. Localization.
v 22.0 DB 7 from 02.01.2022
- Java16
- Switching to the JFD form editor. Not all forms are translated. The old editor no longer works, so the migration will continue. Modify forms as needed.
- Localization into some languages is partially lost. If it will be restored, then according to my need.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
- The module can be turned off over the network or locally. Example for admin panel: java -cp dist/QSystem.jar ru.apertum.qsystem.server.Exit 44004 close-this-app here the module defines the number 44004. 44000 is the server. 44005 - registration kiosk.
- Added a button to launch a third-party application to the self-registration point. The button is available when the parameter is poured with the WELCOME.keyboard_cmd console launch command. By default, the virtual keyboard starts
v 21.1 DB 7 from 02.06.2021
- Some fixes and small changes.
- The next table is refreshing better.
- Last version on Java8. Move to Java16 for next updates.
v 19.2 DB 7 from 22.09.2019
- Some fixes and small changes.
v 19.1 DB 7 from 24.3.2019
- Zone board server v.11 ready for use with QSystem19.1.
- Some fixes and small changes.
v 19.0 DB 7 from 4.2.2019
- Adjusting the volume of the video on the scoreboard in the system parameters SYSTEM.video_volume = [0..1]
- Setup in the system settings of the method of voice call playback SYSTEM.audio_playback_variant = [1,2,3,4]
- An error of incorrect definition of what is now a break. The break was not determined.
- log4j was updated to version two.
- Redesigned XML mainboard settings file structure. Old settings are not compatible with the new structure. There is a conversion utility.
- The picture of background is now for all the dialogues on the registration kiosk.
- Microsound plugin was updated.
v 18.3 DB 7 from 27.10.2018
- MySQL 8.
- google checkstyle.
- Tests
- Spring was removed.
- Fix situation with mouse glue on the main board.
- Rework HTML board. Do not use old. A new way of making HTML board.
- [RECEPTION]allow-pre-registration:0
- Key '-ut' for admin app. Only for developers.
- Libs versions were updated.
v 18.2 DB 7 from 20.05.2018
- Scrolling visitors in the Desktop component.
- Hiding calls on the main scoreboard by setting in the central part of the display board "Hide invitation by start working".
- The text template in the welcome.properties "pattern_delay_form_print_title" for displaying the time of the pre-service selection dialog on the kiosk.
- Bug fixes.
v 18.1 DB 7 from 20.05.2018
- New component "Desktop".
- Do not use tray by key "-no-tray".
- A protocol was changed for postponed clean in parameter "isMine"
- Bugs fixing. Bugs making.
v 18.0 db 7 from 23.02.2018
- Version DB 7.
- In the admin app when assigning services to the user, setting up rights for the ability to call a visitor from a particular service.
- KZ_kz
- Set up in welcome.properties voice_for_ticket_number = 0/1 to voice the received number on the kiosk by voice.
- A voice call from the operator's workplace. Parameter at the command line -voice
- Fonts in applications and accounting for vertical screens on the kiosk queue.
- Bugs fix.
v 17.3 DB 6 from 28.10.2017
- Ticket number can vary from 2 to 100,000
- Improved networking and PROXY. Learn the server startup keys. At start all information is displayed. Information about the proxy can be specified in the settings in the admin panel. Look out \config\ adminProperties.txt
- Fixed a bug with the inability to specify one picture as a background for the entire main board in the settings of the central sector of the main board.
- For a break, you can specify the text that will be offered to the client for reading if the receipt of the ticket occurs during the break.
v 17.1 DB 5 from 20.05.2017
Gradle + IntelliJ Idea -
Service with a ticket-roll. Just need ticket-roll for service and do not need a printer for registration point. See properties of service in admin app. -
Postpone to time. -
System properties were upgraded. + hidden -
Entered text by visitor could be as a number on his ticket. -
Printing could be off -
Rework report for H2 database. -
v 17.0 db 4 from 09.01.2017
- Show some text fron service, user or client on main board as #client #point #user #service #inputed.
- Date localization
- Hotkeys in the user app
- Some other changes
v 16.5 DB 3 from 12.11.2016
- French language
- A system of parameters was created, the parameters are stored in a database and are available for all components QSystem
- A possibility of the operator to the parallel reception of visitors. The right is determined by an administrator
- Copy + Cut + Paste for tree services
- HTML board in the main build can be used as a default board
- HTTP protocol GET + POST between component systems
- Opening a URL by a button on the self-registration kiosk
- Autologin
- A bug with printing in the information subsystem
- Bug with a redirect to the service stub
- Bug with a deferred call.
- A bug in the admin app of the hall when you try to put in line a pre-recorded person
v 1.5.4 DB 2.8 from 24.07.2016
- Azerbaijani language
- A title for dialog pre-registration
- Displays the wait time for the operator
- A bug with the disappearance of dialog on the ticket registration point
- Flashing call little changed
v 1.5.3 DB 2.8 from 13.03.2016
- Spanish language
- Some improve
v 1.5.2 DB 2.8 from 18.01.2016
- Response subsystem as tree
- Reports were reformed a little
- Better support for display 16x9 on kiosks
- Italian language
- Supporting plugins are better
- UB for Solt
v 1.5.1 DB 2.7 from 26.10.2015
- Windows 10.
- Astra-Linux Version 1.10 release of "The Eagle"
- Intercom plug Microsound for voice alerts operators in the hall.
- Binding schedule in the calendar for the period. This schedule will override the basic schedule for the service during the period.
- A more flexible import prerecorded customer database from third-party systems QSystem appointment.
- Mail notification about runs out of printer paper. Set in the approximate amount of the roll pass.
- Service - Shortcut. The service starts and appears as a button on the kiosk. But really when it is selected queuing going on to other services.
- Slightly altered the mechanism of the main board for reliability. Improved plugin QSmartBoard.
- Added setting of the main display font
- Added icons for the column headers calls on the scoreboard. Settings in the main in mainboard.xml
- Added column separator "Client" and "Point" may be as an image. Settings in the main in mainboard.xml
- Changed the border of call line on the main board, the thickness varies from different sides. Settings in the main in mainboard.xml
- Added setting for count priorities for services.
- In the area of the main display can now put another board. Design possibilities are endless. Parameter "Fractal" in mainboard.xml.
- Special divider between prefix and number of ticket num. Specify by key in a command line.
- Postpone a customer for yourself only.
v 1.4.2 DB 2.6 from 01.06.2015
- Portuguese language
- Language files are now plug-ins
- Keyboard or mouse as a registration point
- Fixes minor bugs
v 1.4.1 DB 2.6 from 19.01.2015
- Java 8
- H2 DB is possible for using
- Huge amount other changes
v 1.3.7 DB 2.6 from 01.09.2014
- First version which more English friendly when previous.
- Let us know how much interesting in from English speakers