New version QSystem 21.1 is available!


Лучшая система управления электронной очередью
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Queue automation system QSystem

QMS QSystem is software product which main purpose is customer flow management. There are a lot of benefits of using Qsystem in various commercial and state organizations. QMS Qsystem brings controlled and fair waiting process. When everything is planned organization works more efficiently and customers are more satisfied.

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Open sources Source code in Java available to everyone. License is GNU GPL3. You may use these source codes for your own purposes and modify them as you wish, stick to the terms of the license. 

Functionality All that is necessary for the organization of queue management system, already implemented in QMS QSystem. Moreover, booking, feedback, send a message to the operator and much more.

It is simple QMS QSystem is easy to use. Does not require additional special equipment, complicated setup and attracting a dedicated specialist. QMS QSystem can be easy localized in your native language.

Функциональность QSystem

Equipment for QMS Equipment for QMS 

Software can run on any hardware! In program architecture is already exists the possibility for improvements for any non-standard equipment. Do not want uniqueness!? QMS QSystem can deploy electronic queue on standard equipment such as PCs, monitors, TV panels, information kiosks. Everybody has experience in such hardware. It is easy to buy.

supportПоддержка Support users

Using standard equipment and free software, you are not tied to a particular company. Any way you can always ask the developers in Apertum Projects LLC. You can always send your problem, suggestion or error information to the list of questions for solving. Questions may be discussed at forum with the developers and other users.

server qmsServer QMS QSystem

The main component of queue management system. Has a fault tolerance mechanism. Has a built-in HTTP server that supports WebSocket.

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announcements.pngFor operator

Software component for installing on workstations. For managing by process of working with customers.

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User Registration
Basic Settings

welcome pointWelcome point

The software component of QMS for kiosks with touch-screen computers. For self-registration by selecting necessary service on screen.

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Monitoring and reporting of statistical information electronic queue. Has a web design. Has extension mechanism.

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суо администрированиеQMS AdministratingAdministrating

Administrative software component for forming a list of services, users and more. Has a simple interface and requires no special knowledge.

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QMS Main boardMain board

As the main board is easiest way to use a regular TV. You can use video, images, HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, running text. Plugins are available for design.

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Работаем с QSystem


QMS QSystem is open source project. Download the source code of the program and follow the steps to compile the source code. Learn more about this.

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Mounting of QMS equipment 

QMS QSystem include software and hardware. Consider the hardware pert of queue management system, the mounting conditions, milestones, and the equipment.

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Installation and administration of QMS

Setting queue management system for workplace and server is the final stage of installation. Consider aspects of installation and administration details.

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