Q. But how about this meassage in the lowest part of the ticket? where can I find this message to edit?
A. welcome.properties - bottom_text
welcome_bg.properties - background images on welcome point for different levels of buttons
Q. Another problem here,...I have 2 monitors with extended display settings in windows 7, I ran the Server on the secondary display and the information board works there but the problem is that when the user invites a queue number, the pop-up call displays on the primary screen and not in the secondary where it should be...how can I fix that?
A. \config\mainboard.xml
<Параметер Наименование="Панель вызванного-X" Тип="1" Значение="20"/> <- X
<Параметер Наименование="Панель вызванного-Y" Тип="1" Значение="400"/> <- Y
<Параметер Наименование="Панель вызванного-ширина" Тип="1" Значение="1240"/> <-width
<Параметер Наименование="Панель вызванного-высота" Тип="1" Значение="300"/> <- height
You can use redactor of mainboard in admin app.
Q. Another question, do we have a chance not to have a fix or permanent point for a specific user? For example, If I logged in station 1 then I wanted to move in station 2 without changing my point number just selecting the point number everytime I log-in to a station is much preferred. Can we do that?
A. Key -point <num> for Client app(StartClient.bat) override the point number in DB.
java -cp dist/QSystem.jar ru.apertum.qsystem.client.forms.FClient -sport 3128 -cport 3129 -s -cfg config/clientboard.xml -point 234
234 - work place for user.
Q. how can I enable the voice and gong notification..specially the voice..
A. For each service you can specify a sound alert pattern. Look out to service editor on "Sound alert" tab. Do not forget checkbox "Use the template..."