Dear Developrs,
Many thanks for this useful applicaion that i need to test in real environment.
I download the software
- I cheeked for the version olf java:
java version "1.8.0_51"
java TM SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
java Hotspot TM Client VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)
- I didn't install any Data Base(using H2 the database MySQL not required).
- I didn't install ( graphical utilities for MySQL DBMS.)
- I follow the instruction in install.jar until the end
- I didn't install any application or drivers (because i don't know witch one must install and where )
- For the "<jre>\lib\jfxrt.jar to the folder <jre>\lib\ext" find installed in this folder.
For the database , here is the result:
Admin tools for changing DB connect
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
1 H2-embedded C jdbc:h2:./db/QSystemDB;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
finaly: Saved
I remove DB MySQL
On my Destop i get 4 ICONS:
Reception : command not connect to the server.
Registration point: command not connect to the server.
QMS QSystem : command not connect to the server.
Administration of QSystem: State: server not started
ServerQSystem : give us a sceen with meteo and clients and other thing (how can we change this)
Please tell me what i missed,and if i did something wrong, and if i must install something please specify it or tell me where i found it.
Thank you very much in advance.